Thursday, December 21, 2006

'Tis the Season

Apparently, blood donors are very jolly! Specifically the pheresis donors (they donate platlets and plasma). Yesterday, there was a never ending influx of stuff that they brought in for us...cookies, chocolates, cakes, was wonderful.

We have radio ads running right now, about the critical shortages, especially of type O (positive and negative) blood. So this lady comes in....about five minutes before closing time. Then she tells us she's a slow bleeder. THEN she acts like a prima donna throughout the whole process...and she did bleed slow! We had five or six people right before we closed...we aren't allowed to turn them away. I think we were about 45 minutes late getting out. That's a wee bit annoying.

What's worse though, is the traffic. Good lord the traffic! Why do people turn in to morons at the holidays? It's like being on a road full of teenagers who've just gotten their learner permits! I know you must have seen the 5 speed limit signs you passed, all of which said 55mph. Why do you insist on driving 35 miles per hour, on a busy highway? Get OFF the highway and take the side roads if you want to drive slow. I am with everyone else...I want the bumper sticker...when I get old I am moving north and driving slow!!!

On another note, I got a 94% on my final exam at school!

1 comment:

Melodee said...

Congratulations on doing so well in school!

(Hey, your sidebar looks crazy in IE--just thought you might not know.)